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Decree of Pain Art Decree of Pain Art Mtg

Queen of Pain

Queen of Pain icon.png

Strength attribute symbol.png

Agility attribute symbol.png

Intelligence attribute symbol.png

18 + 2.4

22 + 2.5

25 + 3.4

Level 0 ane 15 25 30
Health 200 560 1220 1940 2220
+0.25 +2.05 +5.41 +9.01 +10.41
Mana 75 375 939 1491 1719
+0 +1.25 +3.63 +5.93 +half dozen.88
Armor 0 3.67 9.5 15.67 18.08
Damage Block -
Magic Resistance 25%
Status Resistance 0%
Harm 24‒30 49‒55 96‒102 142‒148 161‒167
Assault Rate 0.67/s 0.81/s 1.05/southward 1.29/south 1.39/s
Attack Range Ranged 550 (800)
Assail Speed ▶️ 100 (1.5s BAT)
Attack Blitheness 0.56+0.41
Projectile Speed 1500
Movement Speed ▶️ 290
Turn Rate Takes 0.175s to turn 180°. 0.half dozen
Collision Size 24
Vision Range (G) 1800 •800
Legs ii
Gib Type Default
Ability Upgrades

Upgradable by Aghanim's Scepter.
Upgradable by Aghanim's Shard.

Sonic Wave
Blinks in to deal massive magical impairment.
Queen of Pain strikes without warning, she Blinks past defenses, wracking her victims with her deafening Screams. Should an enemy survive her onslaught, she slows their escape with a hurl of Shadow Strikes, drawing out their suffering over fourth dimension. Running is futile. There is only one release from such torture. The Queen flexes her membranous wings, and then delivers an ear-piercing Sonic Wave that will put an end to all misery.

Shadow Strike



Scream of Pain

Sonic Wave

Sonic Wave

Roles: Carry Bear Nuker Nuker Escape Escape
Complexity: ★★☆

Bio [ ]

Queen of Pain minimap icon.png Akasha, the Queen of Pain

▶️ "They say pain is all in the mind, merely they're wrong: It'due south all in my hands."

The Ecclesiast-Rex of Elze nursed a desire for pain — forbidden hurting. In a less prominent political figure, such desires might be considered unwise, simply in a monarch of his stature, to satisfy such thirsts would have threatened the virtue of the Divine Throne itself. Therefore he turned to his dungeon full of demonologists, promising liberty to whoever could summon a personal succubus of torment and demark it entirely to his service. The fauna who arrived, Akasha by name, visited upon him such exquisite torments that he named her his Secret Queen, and he began to spend all his spare moments submitting to her clever torments—eventually abdicating all his responsibilities in his pursuit of the painful pleasures that only she could bring. Queen of Pain could bring him to the brink of death, but she was rune-bound to keep him alive. At last the Rex's fail of country brought on an uprising. He was dragged from his chamber and hurled from the Tower of Invocations, and at the moment of death, Queen of Pain was let loose into the world, freed from servitude—freed to visit her sufferings on anyone she deigned to notice.

Abilities [ ]

Shadow Strike icon.png

Hurls a poisoned dagger which deals big initial damage, and so deals damage over time. The poisoned unit has its movement speed slowed for 15 seconds. An instance of harm is dealt every 3 seconds. Queen of Pain relishes in the pain inflicted, healing every time the enemy takes damage. Creeps heal for half the harm only.

Cast Animation: 0.4+0.67

Cast Range: 450/500/550/600

Initial Damage: 30/60/90/120

Number of Instances: 5 (Talentvii)

Damage per Instance: 20/twoscore/sixty/eighty

Self Heal per Instance: x/20/xxx/forty

Motility Speed Slow: 20%/35%/50%/65%

Duration: 15

TalentRadius: 525

Cooldown: 16/12/8/4

Mana: 110/120/130/140

Does not pierce spell immunity.

The dull persists, and attempts to harm if debuff was placed earlier spell immunity and when not dispelled.

Partially blocked by Linken's Sphere.

Blocked upon impact as principal target.


Not blocked for secondary targets.


Modifiers [?]


Akasha's envenomed dagger allows her to please in the fatigued out suffering of her victims.


  • The dagger travels at a speed of 900.
  • The slow decreases in one-2d intervals. This is how much Shadow Strike slows on each level at each 2d:
    • Level 1: xx.0% / sixteen.3% / 13.i% / 10.3% / 8.ane% / 6.2% / / 3.5% / 2.five% / 1.8% / 1.3% / 0.9% / 0.6% / 0.4% / 0.3%
    • Level 2: 35.0% / 28.5% / 22.9% / xviii.1% / xiv.1% / 10.viii% / viii.2% / 6.1% / 4.5% / 3.two% / two.three% / 1.6% / 1.1% / 0.eight% / 0.v%
    • Level 3: fifty.0% / 40.8% / 32.7% / 25.9% / 20.ane% / 15.5% / / 8.7% / 6.4% / iv.6% / 3.three% / 2.three% / 1.half dozen% / 1.1% /
    • Level 4: 65.0% / 53.0% / 42.v% / / 26.2% / 20.i% / 15.2% / 11.iii% / 8.3% / 6.0% / four.3% / 3.0% / 2.1% / one.4% / 0.9%
  • A unit with less than 25% of its maximum health tin can be denied when information technology has the Shadow Strike debuff on.
  • Successive casts on the same target remove the debuff from the previous cast and place a new 1.
    • This means the initial damage is dealt once more, and the ho-hum value and tick interval are effectively reset.
  • The area of issue Talent talent adds a 525 radius to this power. The power must exist unit-targeted.
    • Upon cast, Queen of Pain sends daggers towards every enemy within the radius.
    • These conduct just like a regular cast, and can be disjointed normally.
    • Also targets units inside the Fog of State of war and invisible units. Nevertheless, invisible targets instantly disjoint it.

Blink (Queen of Pain) icon.png

(Upgradable by Aghanim's Shard.Enemies)

Short distance teleportation that allows Queen of Pain to move in and out of combat.

Bandage Animation: 0.33+0.07

Bandage Range: Global

Max Blink Distance: 1075/1150/1225/1300

With Aghanim's ShardRadius: 300

With Aghanim's ShardImpairment: 125

With Aghanim's ShardSilence Duration: 1.75

Cooldown: 12/ten/8/6 (Talentx/eight/6/iv)

Mana: sixty

Upgradable by Aghanim's Shard.

Aghanim's Shard Upgrade:

Releases a sonic blast when Queen of Pain blinks, at both her starting and ending locations. Deals 125 impairment in a 300 AoE and silences the target for 1.75 seconds.


Modifiers [?]

The Clandestine Queen lives up to her championship, making her Pain impossible to escape.


  • Disjoints projectiles upon cast.
  • Does not glimmer for the full distance when targeting closer than the max distance.
    • When targeting beyond the max glimmer distance, Queen of Pain blinks for the max altitude towards the targeted point.
  • With Aghanim's Shard icon.png Aghanim's Shard, Blink first applies the damage, and then the silence debuff.
    • The damage fully stack, and then enemies within 300 radius of the starting and stop location are hit twice, taking 250 damage.
    • The silence debuff from multiple casts do not stack, but refresh the duration instead.

Scream of Pain icon.png

The Queen of Hurting lets loose a piercing scream effectually her, damaging nearby enemies.

Cast Blitheness: 0+0.63

Search Radius: 550

Impairment: 75/150/225/300 (Talent195/270/345/420)

Cooldown: 7

Mana: 100/110/120/130

The sultry vocalization of Akasha beckons her opponents while stealing their souls.

Sonic Wave icon.png

Creates a gigantic wave of sound in front of Queen of Pain, dealing heavy impairment to all enemy units in its wake and pushing them dorsum.

Cast Animation: 0.452+0.9

Cast Range: 700

Starting Radius: 100

Travel Distance: 900

End Radius: 450

Damage: 310/430/550 (With Aghanim's Scepter420/560/680)

Knockback Distance: 350

Knockback Duration: ane.4

Cooldown: 125 (With Aghanim's Scepterforty)

Mana: 250/400/550

Upgradable by Aghanim's Scepter.

Aghanim's Scepter Upgrade:

Increases damage and decreases cooldown.


Modifiers [?]







Her nearly exquisite of all of torments, Akasha's Sonic Wave puts her poor foes out of their misery.


  • Sonic Wave travels at a speed of 900, taking 1 second to travel the total distance.
  • With the travel altitude and end radius, it tin can hit units up to 1350.
  • The complete surface area is shaped like a cone.
  • The knockback angle depends on the angle between the hit target and Queen of Pain'due south cast location.
    • This means the knockback direction does not equal the cast direction. Enemies within shut proximity may get pushed to the sides.
    • Knocks striking enemies 350 range back over 1.4 seconds, resulting in a knockback speed of 250.
    • Units are not disabled during the knockback. They can yet plow, attack, cast abilities and use items. Channeling abilities are not interrupted.
  • Destroys copse enemies come in contact with during the knockback.
  • Sonic Wave starting time applies its damage, then the knockback debuff.
  • Fully affects Animal Courier Radiant minimap icon.png Courier.

Linken's Sphere ability icon.png

There is no description for this ability.

Cooldown: xviii

Cannot be used by illusions.

Has the status buff for camouflaging purposes.


Modifiers [?]



Ability Draft Notes

Ability Draft Notes:

This Talent talent is available and it is not bound to any ability.


  • Requires the level 25 Talent talent learned to be unlocked.
    • This ability is shown as a permanent buff in the HUD.
  • Does non cake abilities cast by allies.
  • Does not block the following abilities:
  • For a list of blocked abilities and their interactions, see here.

Talents [ ]

Recent Changes [ ]

Level 10 left talent: +9 Strength attribute symbol.png strength increased to +xi.

Recommended Items [ ]

Starting items:

Early game:

Mid game:

Late game:

Situational items:

Gameplay [ ]

Audio [ ]

History [ ]

Equipment [ ]

Trivia [ ]

  • Akasha is the name (or variant of the name) of the 5th element in many religions such equally Hinduism, Wicca (or other Neopaganism), with its roots deriving from ancient Paganism. "Akasha", when translated to English (from Sanskrit), means "aether" (air/spirit, depending on context). This element is seen/represented as the pinnacle indicate of a pentagram, a symbol sometimes misused as one of evil (there is no devil-esque figure in Paganism), and could have been intended to show or derive from Queen of Hurting'southward sadistic nature. Doom minimap icon.png Doom's Doom skill icon is a regular pentagram, and so it might be a misconception held by the DotA staff and reasoning for her name. A regular pentagram on someone, ignoring misconceptions, is actually protective.
    • The name Aether is one of the many references Dota 2 makes to Greek mythology, every bit it is derived from a Greek deity of the same name.
    • Akasha is also the name of the Queen of the Damned from Anne Rice'southward Vampire Chronicles novel series, which could have inspired Queen of Pain'south name, who, in plough, could have derived her proper name from the above roots.
  • Scream of Pain's and Sonic Wave's sounds are based on some voice lines of Queen of Pain. Scream of Pain is based on this ▶️, while Sonic Wave uses a part of this ▶️.
  • Queen of Pain's dying line "Your queen is dead" is maybe a reference to The Smiths' album, The Queen is Dead.
  • Nigh of Queen of Pain's abilities were derived from the Warcraft III Night Elf hero, the Warden, with Sonic Moving ridge beingness the only new ability introduced, replacing Vengeance. Fan of Knives was as well substituted for Scream of Hurting with the same consequence, though an older version of Queen of Pain did have the Fan of Knives ability.
  • Queen of Pain'south response for killing Phantom Assassin "Blink! You're dead." likely refers to the popular Dr. Who episode "Don't Blink" in which the Doctor says, referring to Weeping Angels, "Don't blink, don't even blink. Glimmer, and y'all're expressionless."
  • This line ▶️ "The Queen is dead, long live the Queen." is a reference to the saying "The Male monarch is dead, long live the King" which has been used throughout the centuries in the U.k..
  • This line ( after receiving illusion ) "Misery loves company." Is a reference to Metallica song *my friend of misery*

Gallery [ ]
